September 9, 2021

    Dr Andrew Hill

    CCIO and Stroke Consultant,
    St Helens and Knowsley NHS Trust

    Dr Andrew Hill provides clinical leadership which inspires both the clinical and technical teams to drive forward development and implementation of our electronic patient record. Dr Hill is at the forefront of the Trust Digital Aspirant Programme which is delivering improvement at pace to enhance patient and staff experience when participating in healthcare services at St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, as well as the wider health economy.

    Dr Hill is a true champion for innovation, providing a constant stream of creative ideas for continuous improvements to patient care. Dr Hill championed the development and implementation of Telehealth initially for stroke follow up patients. Connecting a patient via a video consultation is an invaluable way of reducing their travel time, putting less strain on their recovery and helps clinicians to assess how patients are coping in their home environment rather than after a sometimes strenuous and tiring journey into the hospital.

    Dr Hill is a skilled communicator who influences his peers to develop new and better ways of working to identify deteriorating patients and lead to safer patient care. Dr Hill has demonstrated this through his leadership implementing CareFlow Connect, a mobile clinical communication tool which is used for clinical handover, Covid Alerts and viewing and acknowledging diagnostic test results.

    Dr Hill has time for all clinical and non –clinical colleagues within our trust as well as other trusts and organisations to promote digital solutions and offer guidance.

    Dr Hill shares best practice throughout the NHS, presenting at several conferences and workshops to showcase digital innovation despite his many clinical commitments as a stroke consultant.

    Other material:
    Dr Hill spoke at the Digital Rewired conference in March 2021 and at Digital Health summer school in July 2021

    Dr Hill also pushes the digital agenda at Clinical Director Forum to promulgate best practice amongst his peers and showcase new developments, continually raising and maintaining awareness and enthusiasm.

    Dr Hill has clinically led the implementation of paper free vital observation and assessments for hospital wide inpatient observations for monitoring unwell patients including the rapid escalation of unwell patients to the right team for swift attention and treatment. These assessments include National Early Warning Score, Fluid Balance, Dementia & Delirium, Nutrition, CPE, Maelor, Moving & Handling, Falls and Urinalysis. Over 2000 clinicians and nurses have moved off paper for observations.

    Dr Hill has clinically led the implementation and clinical adoption of a mobile clinical communication solution, CareFlow Connect. This communication tool facilitates medical and surgical handover to specialist team through the emergency department. Connect is also used for Nursing handover and combined with medical handover over 30,000 electronic handovers are completed per month: leading to signification clinical time saving, with early indications stating a reduction of 20 minutes off a ward round. Other benefits include time saved viewing results, medications, allergies, alerts, diagnoses and prescriptions. Results are viewed and acknowledged on CareFlow Connect. Covid alerts are notified in real time.

    In his role as a stroke consultant and CCIO, Dr Hill led the development and implementation of the Trust’s award-winning Cinos; Refero Telehealth solution. The six-month Stroke Review Service aimed to see more patients in their home or care home, reducing the significant number of travel miles for patients requiring specialist treatment and enable consultations to be delivered remotely via telemedicine.

    Further reading: